Design For Web: Scamps

Some of the scamps I've done for the website design based on the summer research. So far I've only done 3 and hope to add some more designs. I'm trying to keep it visually consistent with my graphic products for the summer research, in my case the Mixed Martial Arts book. Also in terms of the content, I want it to accompany the book too as there's plenty of websites out there already which give news and statistical data on MMA.

Specifications which apply to all:
Dimensions - 1024x768
Font Family: Edmondsans Bold / Helvetica Bold / Century Gothic Bold
Background: Eggshell #E6EACE
Container: Eggshell #E6EACE or Transparent, preferably transparent if possible
Content: Black
Pages: Foreword, A History Of, Greatest Fighters Ever, Quotes

The font family is Edmondsans Bold, a downloaded font which will only work if the viewer has the font. If not it will be Helvetica Bold, if not that then Century Gothic Bold.

My navigation and body text areas rely on the font being the same rough size, I don't want the sizing to be too different at the same pt size, it could lead to a bit of a mess on different computers. So I'll compare the fonts at the same pt size

Century Gothic and Helvetica Bold are slightly bigger than Edmondsans at 18pt but the difference isn't too noticeable 


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