The colours used on my tryouts are:

Black layer: C0 M0 Y0 K100
Red layer: C0 M100 Y100 K0
Orange (stripes) layer: C0 M65 Y100 K0

I'm going to use Adobe Kuler, feed in photos of Bollywood imagery and see what kind of colour palettes they produce - it might be a good idea to work with them or at least consider them. Kuler is a very useful bit of tech!

^^I like these colour palette, simple use of red/orange/yellows works well and goes with the logo I'm working with too.

^^I like these colour palette, simple use of red/orange/yellows works well and goes with the logo I'm working with too.

^^I like these colour palette, simple use of red/orange/yellows works well and goes with the logo I'm working with too.

Overall colour palette, combining all colour palettes, is like soo...

This actually look pretty cool, would make a cool grid. Maybe if I get time I can make a massive poster size grid of colours right out of Bollywood movies, to create something which when you look at it looks quite cryptic and cool but if you look beyond face value it has a bit of substance and logic to it. Anyways...







I'm going to try and adopt either a colour palette on the whole or bits of each that I think work well, I'll incorporate them into the colours of the images and the playing card templates which I'm still not that happy with. I think it's a good shout to go for a different look and try and make the playing card reflect India and the purpose a bit more...


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