Here's a pretty early playing card design, there's something definitely not finished about it. It needs some sort of spark, not fully happy with it at all yet but i thought it'd be good to print a knock up and see how it will work. I think the colour of the card will definitely have to be down to stock because one I livetrace the images, they all get white backgrounds, which obviously under a coloured base layer, will create a big white box around them, which I don't think I really want.

Tried to make it resemble a movie ticket, the circles in the corner are so I know where to cut to get a similar effect to these..

The bottom area with the jibberish text is where i'm looking to put a short bio of the character in question

Moved the years active bit to underneath the actor title and in turn gave the bio section at the bottom a bit more room. 

Found a way to put some colour on it without clashing against the white background! Put a coloured rectangle on top of all the layers, in this case an off white colour and set the transparency mode to Multiply


Quickly whacked the two cards that I've done so far with this first phase of design onto an A3 spread so I can print and crop and just see how they look at the right size and proportions (100mm x 160mm)


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