- Would separated books for different topics add to the concept of an info-pack and make each inviting to read, or would chapters be preferable?
- Do you like fat potatoey chips or thin crispy chips?
- Is the book size suitable for reading up close and keeping close as a pocket book?
- Is the thicknes of the package convenient for storing on a book-shelf or desk use, if not why?
- Do you think Lionel Messi is more two footed than Cristiano Ronaldo?
- Is a phone book something you would use and note down phone numbers in. Specifically would it be useful for a target market of graphic design students and young professionals?
- Do you prefer Michael Palin's "Sahara" or Karl Pilkington's "An Idiot Abroad" as a travelling documentary?
- Do the different topic booklets overlap or do you feel they are strong enough content-wise on their own?
- I'm going down the route of minimal visual design and nice feeling stock to have the feel of a memo-book, do you feel this is successful and will be inviting to flick-through? Or conversely does a memo-book style and binding go against the info-pack package vibe?
- What did the librarian say to the man when he wanted a book on suicide? (This is a joke btw! Wanted to know if anyone knew the answer to it. Could have picked a better one to be fair)
- Clever belly band usage
- Separate books make the information more accessible/easier to reference from.
- Could carry around a few books without taking the box
- Box makes it a collectors edition special for bookshelf
- Outer packaging and bite-size inner books. First person to approach the brief like this.
- Will function very well as a reference guide.
- The intended languages and memo-book mesh together will.
- Box could be a bit thicker in the real thing.
- Should have title on the side for this reason
- Phone book not as important as others for students but would suit the student/graduate divide. Hard to keep a phone book relavent once it is full. Maybe static content would be best?
- Enclose outer case. This will increase the strength of the packaging.
- Production could be called reprographics, as production may be confused with process.
- Format works, but be careful with your use of type to maximise readability
- Have you considered one big glossary book as terms will be repeated?
- Liking the pack idea, could have a real exclusive quality to it while still being functional
- The books are slightly too big to be considered pocket books. 10mm each size will solve this through.
- 6 books could be laid out.
Action Plan:
- Research stocks more to prepare colour palettes and feel. Order them as soon as possible to prepare for the print phase of the brief.
- Start researching to be ready start thinking visually as soon as possible.
- Start practising foiling and embossing. Could simply print and emboss with letterpress and colour de-boss to get an idea of how I could do it on the final piece.
- Arrange one more printer visit and take some primary photos of process. The rest of the stock photos I could possibly snag from other sources and illustrate my own.
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