BUSHIDO!: Calligraphy set mock-up

Tomorrow I'm going to print and bind the calligraphy set. This will be one of the first products I produce as the bulk of the inside of the book is blank, as it's thick watercolour stock for the user to practice calligraphy in, with a short introduction to calligraphy and how it came to Japan and why it's so important to Bushido and the way of the warrior.

The calligraphy book will be self-coptic binded so won't have any kind of wrap around cover, opening up possibilities to do something interesting with the spine, to stay consistent with the individual Bushido books in the previous post, I'm going to bleed the BUSHIDO! text over the long-edge, red/blue gradient, it should hopefully give a pretty cool and trippy effect like so..

Really hope this works tomorrow. The only difficult part is keeping the spine and binding straight up vertically, so I need to be extra careful but I'm pleased wit the overall effect and again it goes with the branding material. The book will be paired with a calligraphy brush and ink well.


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