One thing I'm abit wary of is producing 30 cards, which is a fair bit of work and a pretty tall task anyway and that being classed as one product when put next to a box, receipts etc.

At the moment I'm aiming to get the cards done ASAP and then after that I can create the other products, and if worst comes to worst I can hand in 10 of the playing cards as 10 different products which I think they are. They have their own statistical information, illustration and textual information. I think it'd be a missed opportunity though.

Although I think alternatively if I don't have time to get round to making the receipts, bags, posters and other of the 10 products... I can make my 30 cards, and then categorise these into little packets of cards, sort of like 'starter packets' - I remember I used to buy Pokemon cards in similar packets.

This way I'd have made a decent number of cards and would have 10 different products, 10 different categories of cards.

For example, with Pokemon cards. You could buy different themed packs. i.e. water packs, fire packs, leaf packs etc. These names corresponded with the Pokemon cards in question. I could find something to categorise each of the bollywood actor cards. Into either 3 packs of 10 cards or 10 packs of 3 cards. 10 packs would probably work better as its 10 products.

Categories of packets/categorising cards?

  • Era of actor? e.g. 70's 80's 90s ? How would I categorise the eras 10 times?
  • Genre of actor? e.g. romance, crime, thriller, suspense, drama, horror, comedy, 
  • *character role packs? Heroes pack, Villains pack, Comedy sidekicks pack, Heroines pack, Mothers-In-Law pack, Fathers-in-Law pack, Item girls pack, Legends pack, 

I really like the idea of having character role packs, so you have a pack of heroe's, a pack of actors who play villiains. I think this says alot about Bollywood, how actors tend to play the same sort of role throughout their career. It'll be a good idea to make the 30 cards, with these categories in mind and an equal amount of 10 categories and 3 actors that fit into each category. Maybe colour coded cards.

This way once the cards are done, I can make the 10 packets for them if time is running low, or carry on making a proper full deck box and the rest of the products. 

The idea behind this is that when people buy trading/playing cards, you can buy small starter packs, or buy full decks. They both vary in price, the beauty is sometimes you get doubles as you don't know what's inside so you can swap and do some dodgy dealing till you have amazing packs!

  • Even if I have like 8 packs/categories for example I can create a rules sheet and a full size deck package, abit like a cigarette box for the 10th product. I think it'll be a good idea to gun for 10 cards just for consistency and a full deck of cards, it'll cover my back and I'll be able to be more flexible about it.
  • Or I could have 5 category packs, and 5 packets that hold the sets, so I'd have 10 products?
  • Or make 9 packs, along with a complete deck and it's housing, which would be a bit like a cigarette box.
  • Actually taking into account the attributes i'm going to use such as "disapproving in-laws" or "number of weddings" etc, it won't really work with the mother-in-law pack. It might be better having 5 strong packs, rather than 10 weak ones.
The 5 packs that would probably work would be:
  • Heroe pack
  • Heroine pack
  • Comedy sidekick pack
  • Villain pack
  • Item-girl pack
I think this gives quite a good resemblance of the overall identity of Bollywood. If I create 5 sets of cards, along with 5 nice packets/housings, that's 10 products. If I get time I'll create a full-set deck package, that holds a maximum of 30 cards, which would be the cigarette box idea.

Time to crack on!


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