Bushido:: Existing Exhibition Promotion & Info To Include

A worthwhile exercise to look into existing promotion for exhibitions in terms of formats and the kinds of features they all contain, to kind of know the rules so I can create something which kind of breaks them and is fresh and new.

I'm leaning towards TATE Modern, in London as it has the right balance of art and design in terms of Print, Tate Britain seems to have more sculpture and Fine Art. Tate Modern is also the most frequently visited and in central London so it's in a suitable location for the younger demographic I'm targeting.

TATE Website

You get a good idea when seeing all the promotional material invovled and the organisation of an exhibition when looking at existing ones - for example one on at the moment is Lichtenstein - A Retrospective. As I'm going to propose a website design it's been helpful to see what kind of information to include

Exhibition information

Booking page, choose time and date, promo codes and different prices for different groups. Admission is free but access to certain exhibitions is at a cost. 

Important exhbition information:
Title of exhibition
Length of exhibition
Price for Adults, concessions and children
Opening times
Book Now
Store links

Important museum information:
About Tate
Getting Here
Access & Facilities
School visits
Contact Us


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