Studio Brief 3: early notes and ideas

Notes from studio brief 3

GD corridor - exhibition space

People walk up and down, and sit frequently

Bi- monthly, every two months

Bi monthly can also mean two times a month to some people

For new 1st years and returning second years

Short phase of promotion

Starts in October

A1 frame, A2 workspace

Opportunities to paper cut, anamorphic?

3 concept boards
1 finished and printed poster

Needs to be fresh, exciting and instantly recognisable as new and eye catching.

Initial ideas - rough

Rotating exhibition, poster which you can flip twice a month, information equally shared to be read both ways, flip for each new theme. This would only have worked if it was twice a month.

Look into the idea of 2. Every 2 months, what happens every two months?

People sit and have their lunch there, so little details which appear after a few minutes of study would be a good idea, but also needs to be instantly eye catching for when walking by

FLIP! The rotating exhibition


Double periods


Nailed it


What happens every 2 months? Lunar cycle?

6 exhibitions a year, one every 2 months. 2x3=6

For us, by us.

Needs to be informal, laid back and fresh a break from the serious nature of workshops and briefings for graphics at LCA. But also to a high standard to get exhibition off on the right road

Word association:

Public, clinical, discovery, observation, promote, platform, what's the purpose?, flaunt, show off, excite, expo, exhibit,

Traffic, recreational, environment, relaxed, tasty, five minutes, lounge, food, sitting, looking

Revolver, revolve, flip, seasons, lunar, cycle, flip, metamorphosis, evolve, involve, switch, shift, flip side,

Reflection, mirror, parallel, hex, roundabout, fresh, inspiring, turnover, time,

The pathways I want to explore are the idea of it simply being every 2 months, and the fact the exhibition is dynamic and always moving. I want to pick a name and run with it and then look into visual concepts to communicate the exhibition and name in an effective way.

Name exploration:

Dynamic exhibition:
Switch, shift, flip, dynamic, moving exhibition, flip!, flaunt, restless, dynamic, inmotion, inflow, changeover, wandering, wanderings, movement, ponder, consider,

Every two months:
Bimonthly, periods, period2, two periods, lunar, two months, 8 weeks, fortnights, fortmonth, double month, seasons, term, termtime, stopstart, FORT MNTH, FORTMONTH, FLIP, SWITCH, periodic, pulp,

Platform for 1st and 2nd:
Well good, WELLGOOD, show off, welcome, nailed it, consider, shine, display, expose, exposure, disclosure, disclose, exhibit,


my poster and branding aims to be lighthearted, and memorable, I aim to make the name catchy and memorable and also telling off the exhibitions concept. Names I feel are possible to take forward:


Overall my favourite right now is Fortmonth, I can't put my finger on why but is a change from the usual generic names like SHIFT. And it's light hearted and a little tongue in cheek combined with effective design which is what I'm aiming for.

Now im going to think up 3 different visual concepts to communicate Fortmonth, the bimonthly exhibition.


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