OUGD505 Final Post _ Briefs + Deliverables + Summative Evaluation

Studio Brief 2 _ What is Good?

Rationale _

The rationale for my What is Good resolution is I feel an exhibition is the most logical solution to being able to communicate what I want to communicate and to the target I want to communicate the philosophy and portrayal of 'The Way of The Warrior' to - a younger demographic, interested and open to learn about Japanese and Martial Arts culture but still pretty new to it. Art galleries are associated with high culture and high art, with more of a bourgeoise class of people attending an art gallery in their spare time, more so than young creatives and this is the target market I want to target to as I feel there's much to learn and gain from the philosophy and appreciation of Bushido, just as it helped me.

Creating a box-set as originally planned seemed too hobbyist and stressful in regards to the timeframe especially with packaging and a wooden box, an area I wasn't too excited about and confident about achieving a high quality it, packaging and woodwork is not one of my strong points, I decided to brand an exhibition as it allowed me to practice branding but also be in my element, with more visual concepts and theory.

The visual style of the exhibition is to reference Japanese classic design in terms of layout and format but offer a more progressive and independent visual style to attract and bring in the young creative and younger demographic and to have the tone of voice not associated with Tate, London. This will be done through colours not often associated with Japan, Samurai and Bushido and to have an independent, self-made and almost kitsch visual style to attract and plug into the minds of young creatives engrossed in the independent publishing and zine culture which is prevalent in todays creative society - another pathway not yet been associated with something as romanticised and grand as the Samurai.

Final submissions boards _

Photos of final product range _ 

Studio Brief 1 _ Research

Concept pitch boards _

Written brief to take forward _

Research book _

Studio Brief 3 


A Moving Exhibition

'Winning promotional poster for a quick turn-around branding brief for a new series of bi-monthly themed Graphic Design exhibitions curated by Leeds College of Art students and showcasing LCA students. 
FLiP! launches in October 2013 to all new and returning students.
FLiP! aims to be a memorable, snappy and contemporary name to capture the dynamic themed nature of the exhibition, to further encapsulate this concept the poster is perfectly symmetrical, with different but equally important information viewed opposite ways up. Careful focus is paid towards the viewer receiving the required information no matter which way up the poster is.

Each poster aims to be a 2-colour screenprint plus a variety of flourescent stock to be dynamic
and  individually engaging.'


OUGD505 Summative Evaluation

BUSHIDO! :: Distribution / Outdoor promotion

I aim to make Bushido viral, and quite self-promoted in it's aesthetic to strike a chord with the younger demographic who feel alienated with the high-art world and art gallery culture and becoming increasingly sucked into the graffiti and street-art world where everyone has a platform.

Here are the various ways in which Bushido will be promoted, some methods of promotion are quite suggestive with little offered information apart from words and a destination, this is with an aim to entice.

BUSHIDO! :: Art of Peace mini book

I've wanted to make my books have more flair in terms of interactivity and I feel one example of this is the art of peace mini-book within Book01 of the series of books, basically the book is contained with a black double page spread, almost acting as the back-drop. I haven't tried this yet but I see no reason why it won't work.

The book is simply excerpts/quotes from Sensei Morihei Ueshiba's book 'The Art of Peace' an important piece of Bushido literature.

Again, the layouts very simple and quite kitsch and 'indie' although that's a rubbish word, in how it looks and feels, this is the aesthetic I want to go for.

BUSHIDO! :: Design generation / Thought Process

Scans of sketches and brainstorming of idea generation and basically just how my mind was working and the thoughts I was having when working through and trying to knuckle down a focus and concept for the Bushido material.

The sketches are pretty rough but I feel give a sense of the way I work and visualise design, I find myself writing about how it will look more than actually drawing something, I rarely use colour and instead write the colour - pretty weird but all the notes give me all the information to visualise it perfectly in my mind.

When going through the process chronologically, it's easy to see the sketches becoming much closer to the final realised work. I've attached images of the finished work in relation to the scans so you can see the similarity in basic framework, as rough as they may seem to someone that isn't me


This poster above came from the basic sketch above, it doesn't look much but I guess this is how I work best, not traditional and impressive at all to look at but over time I've found this works for me. The longer I spend colouring things in and making them look pretty the longer I find myself itching to move onto a new sketch and get it out my system as soon as possible.

Book cover design and inner layouts style generation

letterhead and clipboard

Finished poster and rough sketch above outlining basic layout and colour palette.