Current progress with 'How To...'

I had another quite productive session today with my blog group. As said previously, the theme we're working on is "How to manage your finances, in order to have beer money". The basic fundamental message that we're aiming for is how to save money and how much beer you can have.  We also don't want to send out the wrong message, we want to give tips on how to save money and at the same time have a sort of alcoholic scale. Showing possible outcomes, depending on how much money you have and how much money you buy.

As decided in our previous session, we want some sort of visual scale, scaling from "Boring Barry" to "Boozy Barry", with "Best Barry" in the middle. Boring Barry doesn't have much beer or fun. He also saves little money but has many overexpenses with gadgets, food and clothes. At the other end of the scale, there's Boozy Barry who also saves little money as it all goes on booze. He has little amount of clothes, foods and other basic necessities. In the middle there's Best Barry, who saves a bit of money as he doesn't spend too much on luxuries and doesn't spend too much on alcohol. He has money left over for luxuries and/or booze as he doesn't waste it and doesn't spend it all on alcohol.

I think to make it simpler, we decided to have two scales, an alcoholic scale, which will rise as it goes along. From Boring Barry to Boozy Barry and be around the middle at Best Barry. We'll also have a bank balance scale, which will be low at Boring Barry, medium at Best Barry and once again low at Boozy Barry. So the two will sort of meet in the middle - a sensible bank balance and a sensible amount of alcohol is the message we want to promote.

We brainstormed how we would communicate this idea and we decided an info-graphic poster would be ideal. We decided the key features of the poster was title, the tips section, the actual chart itself and photos or icons of the different Barry's. Obviously the layout and composition of the poster is extremely important so we're going to spend around a day or two to work together and be happy with the layout together. Once we're happy with the basic style and composition of the poster it should hopefully just be a case of adding in the information and finalising it for print.

We were all assigned tasks to complete by Thursday. Myself, Tanida and Sebastien are going to have a few goes with layouts, playing with colours and the overall design. Rebecca is going to carry out more research and think about more money saving tips, Martin will handle the photography for our model "Barry". Finally Stephanie will be working on the actual icons used on the poster. Once we have decided on the layout and style we should simply be able to use Stephanie's icons and finish it off.

Some of the actual money saving tips we outlined were:

  • Spend less money on branded drinks such as pop. Cheaper alternatives such as Robinsons barley water, juice and even tap water.
  • Get in the habit of cooking more. Not only is it healthier with fresher ingredients, but you save a lot of money compared to ordering food from a takeaway or eating out.
  • Instead of getting a buspass or taxi all the time - walk it
  • Instead of public transport, invest in a bike
  • Quit smoking!
  • Buy foods in bulk and as part of special offers and meal deals. 
  • Buy less branded stuff, some of Tesco Value stuff actually doesn't kill you too much.
  • Pack a nice lunch instead of eating out at all these overprices places nearby.
  • Cut your own hair, don't bother with hairdressers
  • Don't bother with deodorant, just use the tester bottles in Boots!
  • Just patch up/sew your clothes up if you rip them on a night out
  • If your shoes are talking, you don't need to go out and buy the exact same thing again, glue them.
  • Don't buy everyone drinks and and give 20 quid to the beggar outside when you're drunk
Hopefully around tonight or tomorrow I'll sketch up some really rough ideas and knock up some designs so we're able to go through them together on Thursday. I'll also have a think about it anyway and share some inspirations or research on my blogs.


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