How To.. Initial Knock Ups

After posting up my sketches of rough ideas yesterday, I managed to knock up some designs that communicate what I wanted to say much clearly. I wasn't too happy with the layout, it was too sort of dull but the chart itself went down well. The chart and the footer has been implemented into the final collaboration - which will be posted up tomorrow after we receive the final 80x200cm print and present it. Here are the development pieces:

You can see the chart clearer on this design. On the left is boring barry with little money, little beer and loads of luxuries. On the right is boozy barry with little money, plenty of beer and little luxuries. In the middle is best barry with equal share of each.

I tried colour coding them with a CMYK approach.

I think this colour scheme works better, with a sort of sky blue background with black icons and a white header and footer to the poster. These aren't the final designs, the main thing taken away from these designs is the chart.

It still needs a key and it still needs the barry characters added at the bottom. These will be added onto the final collaboration!


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