Soo, we got a new brief today in design practice. a short week brief. We were given a proverb and we need to create a set of 3 high impact posters that deliver a personal identified message derived from the given proverb.

The 3 posters need to work as a set. The first needs to be text, the second needs to be image and the third a mixture of both.

We are restricted to two colours plus stock.

They need to be presented in 2:1 A3 scale but not A3 format. It basically ends up being 420mm x 210mm

A photograph of the posters on context will also need documenting.

I did around 60 knock up layouts an initial ideas, I think I'm headed the right sort of path I just need to look into it deeper and make sense of it all and what I want to communicate. It's only a week project, the crit is on Friday so I need to crack on and make decisions fast. I'll post up photos and type up al the general random assortment of notes/jabberings I wrote.


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