Typeface Final Crit - What I Took Away From It

So this morning I had my final crit where we hung up our A1 typeface sheets on the wall and discussed them as pairs (with our partners) and it was quite interesting to see everyone else's work.

It was good to see other peoples concept and theme behind their work and the direction they took it. It was good to see it wasn't just me having problem letters! I struggled abit with my 's' but I think it doesn't stand out too much as a weaker letterform. Maybe if I get a chance I'll revisit this brief and improve upon it. Some peoples typefaces didn't work at a smaller size which is something to think about as a good typeface is legible at any size.

We looked at each others typeface and interpreted it and their name badge, which was good as it gave somebody elses opinion on it and if it was obvious what the concepts were and if they were clear. When you make the typeface, it can sometimes only be clear to you. The crit was a good way of testing a typeface properly in an environment with different opinions and suggestions.

I'll try my typeface in context now and see what it looks like typed up into words etc.


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