The wording..

The target audience for my Proverb work is probably in this case going to be students of the art college, but it can be applied to anyone, anywhere. Someone's car not working, someone stuck with a brief, someone even getting bullied, anything. So I wanted to make the language alot more sort of relatable rather than "Necessity is the mother of invention" Which really didn't make much sense to me in the time it took for me to read it, and I'm part of the target audience.

I don't think it really rings when you say it though.

Shitty, kind of links in the sentence with brilliant. Situation kind of links with Solutions. Shitty doesn't really go with brilliant.


Here's some other alternatives..

Difficult situations inspire brilliant solutions
Difficult situations inspire amazing solutions
Difficult situations inspire ingenious solutions *
Shitty situations insprire amazing solutions
Shitty situations inspire ingenious solutions *
Bloody hard situations inspire bloody good solutions *
Bloody hard situations inspire bloody genius solutions

*These are the 3 ideas that I quite like. I may just keep the original wording but I quite like the relatinship with shitty>ingenious, and difficult>ingenious. I think ingenious, is alot more fitting, especially for a designer, compared to brilliant. Every designer wants to make ingenious work, no?

Today I'm going to carry on with my research and just see where I end up really. I need to get it printed and finished by Thursday at the latest, in preparation for the crit on Friday - so time is not on my side!

Still unsure, if I should use little pictogram icons or an image/photo in the background. I'll probably try both by today or tomorrow and bloggy blog it. If I do use icon's I think simple, and very little use of them may work well, especially in relation to the ribbon style of poster I'm probably definitely going to use for the final.

I've got a very simple idea of simply using a lightbulb. Off and on (two icons), to symbolise an idea being born. May do it in horizontal sequence or an icon at the top, near "difficult" and a lightbulb that's ON, near the bottom where "solution" is. Makes sense in my head anyway..


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