Here is the mailing list and the final revision where I added numbers;

You can hopefully tell by the name, I'm trying to make something as uninteresting and banal as a environmental campaign, exciting and something a bit fresh. Leeds is, I think, the 3rd most student busy city in Europe so it makes sense to aim this campaign towards students. It also looks a helluva lot better than most junk you get through the post, I think students and people into music/art etc will be more likely to appreciate a nice mail shot through the post than some busy boring banker for example. I've sent it to a mixture of student accomodations, unions and big organisations that attract students and partying (which in turn attracts litter) - such as Nation of Shopkeepers and Leeds Festival. 


1: BA Graphic Design course at Leeds College of Art
2. Leeds University Student Union ( I was gonna send it to their Graphics course but I don't think they'd appreciate it! Haterzzz)
3. Liberty Park Student Accommodation
4. Leeds Festival Offices
5. Nation of Shopkeepers


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