It'll be interesting to see how the logo would look once I introduced colour to it. It'll also tie into my colour theory stuff as it'll be cool to see how colours bounce off each other.

Adobe Kuler also has a really cool colour selecting tool, which automatically brings together complementary, compounds etc together and it's cool yet quite weird how they all just seem to generally work together based on their properties and characteristics. It's also good practice to kind of get out of my comfort zone, I don't think I'd pick a combination of some of these colours normally.

The colour scheme I'll be working with is a user created palette aptly called "Miss Piggy Loves Kermit" from Adobe Kuler, here is the palette.

I'll place this into Illustrator and use the eyedropper tool so I can quickly apply colour to each section of the logo.

'Sampan Coastline'


Ultraviolet Rays

Lilac Snow

I'll have a go at making my own colour palettes just to see how they turn out, I want them to reflect the idea of diamonds somehow in a subtle way.

The first mixture I've done is a monochromatic one, because I quite like one colour logos, they seem to work in a fairly similar way to black and white pieces.


You can see here the base colour is a very very pale blue, with a CMYK mixture of 17,10,0,0

The reason I went for this kind of blue is because when people think of diamonds or when you see one they tend to have a tinge of blue to them but very light, so I thought it'd be worth seeing how pale blues would work on the logo. Here's how it can look..

I actually quite like how this looks, it looks quite bright and inviting but without being harsh on the eyes. Definitely something to consider if we're going to go down the colour route.


This looks pretty cool too, again I've essentailly used two contrasting colours here, the pale green and orange. I find that when I add a third distinct colour like, say the red from the above colour palette, it looks abit much, like this...

The red outer ring, along with the orange and green inner parts make it a bit much for me, maybe that's just me though.


That's all for now, folks. It's been emotional.


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