In the 2nd workshop today we learnt again, about how to duplex print and how to crop and alter the resolution of images in preparation for print. I need to get in the habit of saving files a

So for my Photoshop brief, I need to choose one colour from the objects I worked with. I'll go through the photographs I like and the colour that seems to come out the most. I need to explore the colour and be creative with it, which will be quite interesting. Here are the photos that I think worked well and could translate well into postcards of some sorts. I can always go out and take more photographs if I find a concept I like, the facilities will always be there. Research is also needed into existing postcards that work as a set by designers and the like. For now, these are ones that take my fancy from what I shot.

I think my collection of photos could be stronger, I'm new to photography and how to take good photos compositionally and how to frame etc, basically I'm pretty crap. So these are the best of a bad bunch to be honest, I may find myself revisiting the photography studio to take some better photos down the line, but for now I'm going to just experiment and think about some kind of concept.

I want to go down the RED route, I just like red and think it could make quite a striking set of images. I like the one of Nigel smoking just because it looks cool, maybe I could take a set of postcards showing people smoking and coughlookingcoolcough, with some kind of concept of red to it.

I could possibly colour mix? Adding red to a blue background to make a violet hue.

Definitions of red?

Emphasise red, aspects, or colour certain things red in every picture?

Turn things that are usually red into something completely different. Out of the ordinary kind of approach. E.g. Someone eating a white tomato. Someone bleeding black blood. This will need me to get busy with photography but I like this concept, sounds fun, I like making mad weird stuff, where you flip the norm.

I'll keep thinking about this. For now I bid you farewell.


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