One of the issues I'm facing is the images on the cards, I don't have time to illustrate 30 times, once for each card, to a decent standard which I want. I'm trying to think of ways around it such as halftoning and manipulating images to have the desired effect. I did a little experiment just to see how a few ideas would look and I think it might work.

Towards the end I tried to create something that reminds you of the kind of indian colour palette and a sort of painted effect. I was originally going to paint or digitally paint a scene 10 times for 10 posters but that ideas developed into the cards idea now and doing 30 illustrations myself is a very, very tall task!

Here's some pictures of the process.

Adjutst the levels slightly so there was more blacks and midtones, in preperation for the halftone effect.

I think it works pretty well, this size is about how big it'd be on the playing cards, i think it'll look decent, depending on the style of design around it. If I go down the colourful and bright route, this might look abit out of place.

Added a solid black top layer

Added red and orange mid, and lower tones and I think it looks quite interesting. It's definitely quite bright and colourful and still holds a fair bit of detail.

Black and white looks ok too

Here's how it could look roughly on a playing card.

Think it was a decent starting point I have a better idea of what kind of route I can go down to prepare images reasonably quickly. I think i'll either develop the black and white halftone idea or the above colourful levels idea, depending on the visual style I adopt.


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