Questions from the brief or possible solutions are in red, that I aim to look into to to set up a line of enquiry and hopefully finally allow me to engage with this brief!

Design a set of stamps as a means of encouraging consumers to make positive environmental changes and educate future generations with regard to energy conservation, low-impact transport, zero-carbon housing, and reducing water over-consumption.

A3 Presentation boards, with written summary no more than 250 words.
-What were your observations? Show how analysis of these observations gave insight into the design opportunity
- Your insights might be research-based or intuitive, or a combination of both, relate to the concept clearly to these insights
- make sure the judges know what specific issue or issues you have had to resolve in the process of designing your solution
- tell the story so that we can understand the context for your solution

- Commemorate important anniversaries - Any big anniversaries this year? Queens Diamond Jubilee is this year!
- Commemorate events of national importance, as well as significant contemporary uk successes on the international stage Olympics are this year, in London and will be all about making the UK look good and successful to the rest of the world. Olympics must be a success in all ways.
- to reflect the contribution of the UK to world affairs in the broadest range of activities, from the arts and humanities to science and technology
-to explore "The british way of life', celebrating the diversity of cultures and interests within the uk"
- to contribute to the cultural life of the Uk through the patronage of art and design. Use a british colour pallette, red, gree, blue, white?

- According to WWF, people using 25% more natural resources than the planet can replace.
- In the UK, we consume three times our fair share of the earth's natural resources
- To continue is not sustainable How kind to the environment is actually sending post? transportation, pollution, materials for stamps etc
- Produce stamps that change mindsets of consumer to undertake practical activities for the future and think of innovative ways to optimise energy and reduce waste in our day-to-day lives. Need to be fairly hard hitting and make people think, 
- The mantra to employ should be reduce, then reuse and only then recycle.

Explore things such as:
- Energy conservation Research
- Low impact transport Research
- Eco-friendly products Research
- Zero-carbon housing Research
- Reducing water-over consumption Research
- Educating next generation for a stronger future. The idea of a stamp from the future, postcard style showing the future? What the future is predicted to be like. 
- Use the stamp as a means of encouraging customers to make changes from today onward. Who is an 'unsung hero' of campaigning for the environment etc, replace the Queen's head with the unsung hero. Making an icon and raising awareness of the people that need and deserve recognition.

- A stamp is a receipt for a service and is available to anyone within the UK to use the postal service. 
- The service covers the glove and therefore the stamp is an ambassador for the UK when posted to overseas destinations Does a stamp have to be bought and on certain paper etc to be legally usable, can you not create your own 'stamp' which you can reuse again and again. Possibly with ink?
- A new and younger generation of stamp collector How much does the current generation recycle, reuse and care for the environment etc. Survey?

- To produce an innovative response that goes beyond conventional treatments and styles - look at recent examples of innovation in stamp design Research into innovative stamp design, how can I make mine a bit different. Can i change the shape of my stamp? Rather than a generic square, rectangle?
- To demonstrate originality of thought and approached based on sound research

- see postage stamps brief for size guidelines and stamp templates
- think on a small scale from the outset
- the Queen's head must appear top right or left facing towards the design and must be in a correct relationship with the overall stamp size
- If using overlays, ensure they are easily lifted to reveal the original artwork.
-Design should combine clarity with attention to detail
- There should be a clear visual distinction between one stamp design and another to ensure that there is no different values when the stamps are being sold at the post office counter Different colour overlays for each different value of stamp?
- Stamp must convey immediate message. Immediately hard-hitting, or more subtle in that it looks aesthetically pleasing but requires you to look twice and realise the message?

For now, i need to look into stats about being more eco-friendly, how environmentally friendly is the UK etc, all the different things such as low impact transport, water over-consumption etc and find out what I want to say and I don't think I'll have such an issue finding out how I want to say it visually. Research and finding out what I want to say is the difficult bit as of now.


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