Kavinsky - Nightcall

I replaced Dance, with Electronic as it's a genre I listen to a lot and I don't think Dance really has many iconic songs, it's more the kinda stuff you hear in a club or on the radio and never bother finding out what it's called so I thought Electronic would be more fitting, taking into account the target market which are music enthusiasts who may want a poster for their wall and also for me. I might keep some for my wall! It's one of my favourite songs from last year

Song length: 4:20 seconds
Data recorded every 3.25 seconds
Lowest dB: 35
Highest dB: 100

Saving for web, really buggers the colours up but for printing it'll be fine.

C:3% M:87%

I eyedropped off the Drive Soundtrack which the song is on and I think this might be a good way to find colours that you'd associate with the song. I'll try this for the future and for the ones I've previously made.


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