Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

Here's the first effort. I've recorded the decibels down from the song at 3 second intervals.

I won't bore you with each of the decibel reading but the highest was 92 dB and the lowest was 49 dB

I then for the first effort just thought I'll start off with a 100% M (Magenta) and if it's 92 dB I'll make the opacity 92%, if it's 49 dB, the opacity will be 49% and the visual nature of it getting louder and quieter would take care of itself.

Here's how it went, i'm reasonably happy with it so far but I feel somethings lacking still.

You can see here that this square is 100%M at 86% opacity as at this moment in time the sound level was 86 dB

100%M is hovering off the artboard here for comparison.

Here is the finished (for now) layout with the text and additions like "start" and "end" added to it.

Still seeing if I should do different colours for each different genre or if I should think of a colour scheme that I can apply to all where it kind of goes from hot to cold, like from example a bright red to a cool blue. Cool blue implying lower dB to the bright red. It would take more of a system compared to this where I just apply an opacity, although if I always get my lowest to highest dB, maybe outline 10 steps between them and give each step a colour from cold to hot. I could just look up the dB for each interval, see what colour it falls under and apply it.


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