P R O B L E M A N A L Y S I S - rationale
BRIEF: (What is the problem you intend to solve?
I'm going to revisit my proverb brief > http://a-mushtaq1114-dp.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Proverb
In particular, the initial first brief where we were tasked with creating three A3 size posters, one was solely text, then image and then the final was text and image. With a max of 2 colours plus stock and 2 typefaces.
I'm revisiting this as I found my delivery to be pretty boring and 'safe'. I want to revisit this and try literally illustrate the proverb or concept behind the words, in a clever and typographic way to further reinforce the message.
In particular, the initial first brief where we were tasked with creating three A3 size posters, one was solely text, then image and then the final was text and image. With a max of 2 colours plus stock and 2 typefaces.
I'm revisiting this as I found my delivery to be pretty boring and 'safe'. I want to revisit this and try literally illustrate the proverb or concept behind the words, in a clever and typographic way to further reinforce the message.
Anyone really, the proverbs/quotes will be intended to be inspirational and motivational and although they might be quite broad i'm confident different posters will ring a bell with different people and can be applied to any situation. For example my 'shitty situations inspire brilliant solutions' is pretty broad but it can be applied to different situations and personal situations for different people. My target audience will therefore be from teens upwards as they will have experienced life somewhat and be able to relate.
The quotes will be different so will carry different messages but I intend to make them eye-catching and quite interesting visually. The visuals will relate to the message in question. It's intended to inspire/motivate any individual who's has experienced life. e.g. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
The quotes will be different so will carry different messages but I intend to make them eye-catching and quite interesting visually. The visuals will relate to the message in question. It's intended to inspire/motivate any individual who's has experienced life. e.g. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
The quotes will have different messages, I still haven't decided on different quotes. I'm going to research different quotes and ones that are strong and lend themselves nicely to interesting visual solutions
Survey asking people to think of quotes/proverbs they like, the first quotes they can think ofPossibly carry out interviews with people asking about things theyve learnt throughout their life, quotes that they feel has helped them and continues to help them
Look into creative typographyExisting typographic posters
Motivational books such as the ones by Paul Arden which have strong bold typography
Popular proverbs
Famous quotes
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