Finished alterations to Nobody's Perfect

Added a black rectangle underneath the text, to basically negative print it onto stock, so the black will form the letterforms I think it will give an interesting effect. Would have loved to screenprint this but for the crit I want a finished poster to a certain standard so if I want to screenprint I can at a later date, but if I don't have time, I still have a deliverable i'm happy to submit.

I've also manipulated the type, so it's not all in perfect straight lines, adds a bit of imbalance to the poster which I like, like an imbalanced tower, and also adds to the imperfect feeling I want to give to the poster. Along with the border which I've deliberately made quite jagged and uneven.

^what will be sent to print

Slightly changed the colour of the black while fine-tuning it, I've gone for a more brown/dark red tint, I think it complements the yellow well

How it should pretty much look when printed on the stock I've got in mind. Definitely prefer it to before, has a little bit more about it.


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