503 Module Briefing

OUGD503 - Responsive - Design Process 2

Some notes I took of the module briefing, I thought I would blog it to document it and help me make a plan moving forward. Overall this module is very exciting for me, as it's heavily creative and the focus is on creating design and managing projects at the same time. I'm looking forward to the collaborative brief after new year too. One of my ambitions this year is to win either a YCN or D&AD brief either myself or collaboratively. I posted about this in my PPP aims for the year too so this module gives us a perfect opportunity to do this.

Over the next week I plan to check out what briefs are out there and outline at least 5 briefs that interest me for the next 503 workshop after reading week. I want them to be a mix of long-term industry standard graphic design briefs for YCN/D&AD and also more short-term briefs maybe from graphiccompetitions and designcontext.com. Along with this I'll definitely take part in as many external briefs as possible that come to my attention.


Workshops will alternate with type. On Thursdays there will either be Type workshops or 503 Responsive workshops.

Long,thin module. Be engaged and consistent.

Competition briefs

Responding to an externa event or activity. Cross-course collaboration. Ability to respond to realistic briefs and not just in the confines of Leeds College of Art.

Positioning work in the real world, not in studio.

Generate ideas in response to set-briefs and/or as a self-initiated activity.

managing time, submit, documenting and presenting.

National and International competitions such as D&AD/YCN. Real world professional organisations.

Even taking part and being shortlisted in YCN can lead to a lot of attention and exposure.

Dialogue between your personal ambitions and professional ambitions. What you want to do against what you need to do to fulfill briefs. Finding a balance.

Long and thin module as it's a year long process and moving onwards from there.

3 Briefs

  1. Individual Practice - Until assessment week
  2. Collaborative Practice - responding to competition briefs such as YCN/D&AD
  3. Project report - I will submit a project bringing together all briefs at the end of the module

Just because i'm 2nd year and not a 3rd year or graduate doesn't mean I can't win any of these briefs.

Reading list

100 Habits of Successful graphic designers

Check out websites of all organisations, especially YCN & D&AD. Other organisations such as Talenthouse, graphiccompetitions/designcontests.com

DP blog - visual development.
DC blog - contextual blog, examples and inspiration

Label all posts with module code and brief title

Phil and Fred will mainly handle this module.

Choose briefs + competition briefs from the websites listed below on brief. Within that select one significant brief which will allow you to really get into and use through the workshops. For these probably use a YCN or D&AD brief.

Look at quick turnaround too. 1 a day, maybe a week timeframe. Always do them and document them.

Do other non-listed briefs too. For workshops work on the listed industry ones such as YCN/D&AD.

Challenge yourself.

Document all briefs. show and evaluate everything you're up to.

In the 2nd semester we will be doing a presentation before the collaboration brief but you can still obviously keep doing individual practice and keep entering


Look for challenging briefs and a balance of what you want to do. Realistic timescales. Be true to them, for example if you reckon it'd take a day to do. Spend a day on it.

Tutors aren't too interesting in the concepts and work in terms of the workshop sessions and instead more focused on project management and management of deliverables etc.


Competition briefs  - as the organisations want you to deliver them. Handle the briefs

Assessment - All documentation. Research, development, submit, present, evaluate.


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