BBC: Ability to Read Later & Favourite

One of our main additions to our BBC Online project is the ability to simply drag and drop articles into a Read Later panel and the ability to share with Facebook/Twitter easily - this function is already there but it's not pushed very much and isn't connected elegantly.

One of the main websites which gave me this idea was Bleacher Report, a US Sports News outlet. It gets updated a ridiculous amount everyday, often I read an article, if I come back an hour later  I can't find it again to show to a mate or read it again. Having the ability to simply save an article to read later is a simple but effective solution.

Let's look at Bleacher Report, right now at 13:25...

This is the homepage right now, the main story is Lakers back to.500 But Will It Last?

The news story itself. There's no ability share and save, if there is - it's not easy to access

Let's say I really enjoyed this article and want to show it to my mate 15 minutes later..

....Where's it gone? It's drowned beneath all the new content and finding the article again is a hassle.

Solution: Being able to save articles to read later and share articles easily, stops you losing articles and being able to read later on other devises such as mobile and tablet, you might be half way through an article and want to read the rest on the train, on your phone.


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