BBC: Boards Plan

Here is the thumbnails we made for Boards, the plan is to work on the imagery first and then apply the imagery to boards so even if we're working on separate imagery we can collate the imagery onto a finalised board design.

Here is the decided plan we both discussed and agreed on for the boards.

So the plan for the boards is:

Dimensions / Print proportions: 
1280 x 800


Board Titles:
Title Impact 
Reasoning/Design choices
Responsive Design

Distribution of work:
Abbas: Boards 1, 2 and 3
Eve: Boards 4, 5 and 6


Plan moving forward - I'm going to draw mor  conceptual rough sketches for how to visualise each bullet point we wnat to communicate for the first 3 boards. The impact title board is very important and we plan on applying it to billboards and other forms of promotion so I want to make sure it's right and we're 100% happy with it, it'll be done by Wednesday at the latest after we meet up for a discussion and day devoted to this brief tomorrow.


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