Lightbulb - Yellow poster, with the coil at the bottom to signify a massive lightbulb going off the poster?
go from dark to light, as in to further encourage the lightbulb moment. At the start of the quote at the top, off lightbulb, at the end the lightbulb is on and the text has brightened up too.

FUUUUU inside a lightbulb, that's shining. Frustration inside the lightbulb, but the outside lit up.

Person sat on desk frustrated/working hard in the coil bit inside the lightbulb.

Fancy decorative poster style, research this for design context. Motivational poster, old propaganda world war style with borders and fancy edging.

Create your own quote, with slang etc to contrast against the posh aesthetics?

Profile of a mummys pregnant belly in the background with a lightbulb inside the womb. "giving birth to ideas"

A dialogue on the poster. E.g like them compensation, solicitor ads on telly.
"Feel like work is bogging you down?" "Feel like you're stuck in a rutt?" "Feel like you're a waste of space?" "Feel like your work's gonna be crap?" "Well, in difficult situations you often make ingenious solutions".

A brain idea as a pictogram at the bottom or around the poster.

A lightbulb jammed in the lightbulb, lit up?

Straight up block text in the centre of the poster

Add icons to the top and bottom of the text

Icons symbolosing a problem, a lightbulb moment and the solution. E.g, walking turns into car, dead batter, sun, brain, turns into solar power.

^^On a related note, scenes from movies or everyday scenarios where you could give a really good idea or solution to a problem. A scene out a film like Indiana Jones or James Bond where the hero always makes a cracking solution and escapes the clutches of death. Could iconograph this or get a photo or still image from the film and work with it somehow

Similarly give an example first, and then at the end put the quote to add context to the quote and to reinforce the point about anything is possible, even in the toughest siutation.

"When the fan belt on Linda's car broke in the middle of the desert, Linda used her stockings as a replacement. Difficult situations lead to ingenious solutions."

When the going gets tough
The tough get going, tough, tough, huh, huh, huh
When the going gets tough, the tough gets ready
Yeah, ooooh, du da do da 
Boyzone - "When the going gets tough (the tough get going)

"Shitty situations inspire brilliant solutions" (again, I can see this working as a series of posters, using inventors/action movies as an example)

Also probably more impactful and hardhitting with more relatable and everyday language. I think my target audience can be anyone, but I can see it working for art students who need a quick lift when they're walking around the building. They'll maybe relate better with language they can relate to better rather than posh jargon.

What people think of when they picture inventors:
Da Vinci
Thomas Edison
Isaac Newton
Steve Jobs?

Action Movies i picture with 'brilliant solutions in crap situations (pretty much any family/action/adventure movie:
Indiana Jones
James Bond
Harry Potter
The Goonies!
Toy Story
Star Wars
Die Hard

Great inventions? (check out Stephen Frys countdown that came out recently)

Mainly should be classic movies, everyone kinda knows the jist of. Adds a slightly lighthearded feel to the poster when added to the text maybe.

Have an image split over all 3 posters, so when lined up horizontally or vertically it produces a full image, which could be quite smart. What could I use though? Lightbulb? Brain?




Lion egg adverts, loads of ingredients, mixed and matched, difficult situation. Bit of though and wham bam, a fancy looking omelette. The brilliant solution. Look into these for context too.

"Best thing since sliced bread" Have unsliced bread icon, turning into a sliced bread pictogram. Simply should go with shitty situations inspire brilliant solutions?

Look into the origins of sliced bread. Who did it first and how and why, or the birth of crisps. The guy who cut potato really fine and fried it. It's now called crisps. Inspiring. After the example put the proverb?

Look into movitional posters/layouts.


Paul Arden - It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be. The layouts in there and the use of type etc.

Backgrounds could be pictures/stills from films or whatever, greyscaled or halftoned.

Look into colour psychology and colour schemes to further enforce things. Check out Adobe Kulor(?) 

Main points to research
  • Motivational Posters
  • Layouts + Composition
  • Film Scenes
  • Famous inventors
  • Famous inventions/solutions we take for granted
  • Origins of said inventions/solutions
  • Colour psychology and colour pallettes
  • Origins of the quote - Plato?
  • Definition of the individual words in quote
  • My own versions of the quote to make it more relevant maybe
  • What typeface to use, maybe look into this more once you've decided abit more about what icons/direction to take
  • Make some quick knock-ups and see where you go (only till Thursday/Friday to get this done)


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