I wanted the logo to look like a sort of badge, something that would translate well as a letterhead, signature, on uniforms and things like that. I wanted it to look dead smart and snazzy and not something banal and uninteresting.

So I adopted the ticker tape design from my past posters, to link it to the posters and to add a contemporary yet quite vintage feel to it. Hopefully I've come somewhere near accomplishing this. Here is how the logo took shape.

I'm thinking about adding this to a sticker which will tack down the mail shot to enclose it and make it ready to send. I want this to be prominent in the mail shot anyhow as it's the main attraction and a logo obviously goes a long way to adding the credibility of something. I'm thinking about maybe making this into a rip-away poster, or atleast prominent in the package in some form. I don't want it to be discarded quickly as it would on the sealing sticker.

(click for closer look)

^^ this is the final image. with fine tuning to the leeds text, I increased the trim behind it to add abit more of a gap so it can be read, and probably printed easier. I didn't want it to blead into the main foreground font and make a mess. Overall I'm quite happy with it and think it makes a decent badge.

Now I need to think about how this works as a sticker that I'll use to seal the envelope.


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