After much though about what I want to say and the purpose of the mail shot, I've decided it will be a mail shot to help people take part in keeping their environment tidy and become more aware of recyling etc and the effect it can have. It'll also raise awareness of the Don't Sin Just Bin campaign I will be starting. I am actually going to start this campaign through facebook and twitter etc. It obviously needs a logo etc which I'll have to make.

Inside the letter, as I want an environmental approach, I'm going to carry on my approach of one ink colour on one stock, and be very minimalistic with the costs. I don't want loads of print outs inside it and want it to to be as usuable and purposeful as possible. Every section of the package need to be useful. It won't have too much information but enough to explain what the campaign is about, it'll mainly point to the facebook and twitter pages for more info.

Judging by the name, it's also more aimed at students. Leeds is one of the most student busy cities in Europe, so it makes sense to aim it at students. Stickers/posters etc are planned to be downloaded from the facebook or by getting in touch.

I also may create an event for a Don't Bin Just Sin Day where everyone is pushed to just be as tidy and clean as possible.. which will leed to a Don't Sin Just Bin night out/house party. The mail shot itself, may act as an invitation to said night out. It would be really good if it could be a house party, where you give a pound to get in and all money goes to a charity or the council or something. People can dress up as cleaners or whatever and get into the novelty and mood of it all.

I'm going to handwrite the address on the back, I think it carries a more personal message than something typed up and characterless. It'll also feel less like junk mail if it's hand written.

So what needs to be done is:

  • Figure out a net and folding design which translates what I want to do as much as possible
  • A logo which I make as a response to research into the look I want
  • Introduce pictograms somehow
  • Mailing list (councils/schools/colleges/public buildings etc)
  • Sticker design? To tack down the mail shot to make it into an envelope
  • Consider who would do well by reading the mail shot
  • Recycling facts?
  • Rip-away sections to keep?
  • Rip-away poster?
My print timeslot is 10pm Wednesday 9th November. I need to crack on!


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