On Friday (11/11/11), we had our final crits for the 'message and delivery' mail shot brief. We worked in pairs and analysed and gave feedback on other peoples work, can't mark your own obviously! I always find it quite interesting and the anonymity made people give honest and truthful answers, in the knowledge they won't get a backlash afterwards. In this crit, there wasn't anonymity - we wrote down our names on the feedback sheets.

Anyways, we worked in pairs and wrote one sheet each, giving our own opinions and then finally worked together to have a combined feedback. So the subject gets 3 sheets of feedback to take in. I could only find one feedback sheet for my own mailshots for some reason, it was the combined pair feedback. Maybe the individual ones will be given to us on Monday..?

Here is the feedback for my mail shots from Nigel and Andy.

Question 1: How does it work?
Fold up envelope informing us of the "shitty" situation that is recycling and keeping Leeds clean & encouraging us to recycle.

Question 2: Does it communicate both proverb & occupation
Yes. Even though recycling is sees a chore it accepts that and encourages people to react to it in a fundamental way.

Question 3: Does it relate/communicate with the target audience?
Yes. Comical tone of voice appeals to a younger audience. Friendly, informative and welcoming, encourages young people to join in. Sleek style, updated and appeals to a student audience. "Don't Sin Just Bin" simple & effective slogan to address a wider "shitty" situation.

Question 4: Have the two colours been used?
1 colour plus stock has been used in an effective way. Mail shots are effective and clean without the use of another colour.

Question 5: Is the packaging appropriate for transport?
Folds together really well nothing inside to fall out. No handouts within to reduce pollution and effectively recycle less paper.

Note: (not sure if stock is recycled but it appears to be, which again communicates well with the message of encouraging others to recycle whilst using recycled paper to inform others.)


Overall, positive feedback. What encourages me is the fact they picked up on the lack of colour and handouts and other little pieces inside, as this is exactly what I didn't want. I wanted to be as cost effective and environmentally friendly as possible. Overall, they didn't really say anything needed to be changed. This is just one point of view though - opinions differ.

They picked up on the stock looking recyclable, I thought about this but it wasn't an avenue I really explored. I'm not even sure myself if the paper is recycled but it seems contradictory to the purpose if it isn't. I think for my final submission maybe I can revisit this and look into recycled stock if it's justified - which I think it is.

Action Plan:
-Look into recyclable stock and try it out.


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