As of writing this it's had 37 responses in a day, which is alright actually. I remember having to print them out and pester people to fill them in! As for the Q/A itself, I don't think it's all that water-tight but I'm not great at this sort of stuff and it's a learning experience I guess. I also did this on Saturday and wanted as much time as possible till Monday to get as much data as possible, so I kinda rushed it out.
I forgot to put a DOB question in, as it would allow me to get a more refined bit of data but adding this in half way through the release of the Q/A would make the data dodgy, as half the people wouldn't have answered this question.
The more data you have on thing like this, the stronger the data - so I shared it on my facebook and blogs etc and people took part.
The questions and data received so far, go as follows:
So from this I can take, people think being a best man is quite an honourable and prestigious, people associate being a best man with the best speech, looking after the groom and organising the bachelor party the most. Overwhelmingly, people think the best man should be a close friend. Bachelor parties anywhere in the world and preferred over staying local,etc. I think I'll make some pie charts just so I can present the data in a more visual way, maybe down the line though, in about a week when I can safely conclude the survey.
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