Got the paper brief and my occupation..

I'm a cleaner. So this will determine my tone of voice, what I say and how I say it.

I'll need to think of what cleaners behave like, what concerns and messages they may want to communicate, and to whom.

My proverb is "necessity is the mother of invention" which I developed to "shitty situations inspire ingenious solutions"

The difference now is, I'm not saying this as a student, but as a cleaner. A person who probably needs to act more professional and "grown up", using the word shitty probably won't be appropriate to whoever I mail the message to. Changing it to "difficult" instead of "shitty" may be more suitable.

Maybe I can talk to someone who's a cleaner and see what they think and what concerns they may have. Maybe I can create a character, and give him/her a name etc like the mr muscle character.


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