I've started to carry on developing the crane idea, I'm going to lay them out in a grid similar to the one for the scaffolding idea in the post below but I thought it'd be easier to work on them individually before importing them all onto the A1 grid.

Some letters can be quite straightforward, but I'm having a bit of fun with choosing what bits are 'built' and what need 'building' all while centering them on the same spot, so they're all standardised and the letters aren't in different spots in relation to the crane. It's produced some quite interesting letterforms where you can tell what the letterform is in a weird way, without it actually being that blatant. I quite like the J and the K for that reason..

Quite happy with this approach actually, I think it's more successful and abit more unique than what you'd expect for something like this.

I actually want the letters to be structurally sound, or at least look it. Don't want any floating bits, like the  tittle of an 'i'. It would kind of defeat the purpose so it'll be interesting to see the solutions to some of the more fiddly letters in the alphabet, and fullstops and commas and that.

At the moment this is just one colour, adding colour to it, it makes sense to either colour the crane or colour the letter that's being 'built'

Here's some quick examples. I'll look into existing cranes and the colours they tend to come in. Initially I like the idea of a bright red or yellow, as they have that work in progress, building sight, high visibility kind of colour. Although the stock will be white - so using yellow might be a bit dodgy in terms of readability and legibility.

(100%R  + 100%K)


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