We can either send it IN an envelope of have the piece actually be a sort of envelope/postcard itself which you can send.

at the moment I find it's too much to think about, I dont really know what I want to say yet and how I want to say it, but I like the idea of the 'poster' being sendable itself. Here's some knock ups I did to try and see how it could possibly be sent out and how the reader would interact with it. Some worked well, some not so much.

It needs to be 160mm x 110mm. The envelope has to be that size, what's inside doesnt? It's not specified on the brief anyway. If I combine the two, like I'm trying here it obviously needs to fold up and ready to be sent at 160x110.

I think some research into cleaners, events or issues that may relevant is very much needed, and how I can tie that in with my proverb of difficult situations turning into ingenious solutions. It's well enough me making a point, or a piece of inspiration like I did for the posters, but I don't see the sense of just sending it out to people. It needs to have much more of a specific purpose than to just "inspire", this is where I'm struggling at the moment - I don't know what I want to say. Once I know what, it should just be a question of how to communicate it. Should be half as hard a task as it seems now. I'll do as much as I can to prepare for my crit tomorrow, hopefully something will click. Here's what I've been having a go at today:

This is the first one I did, it folds round itself and has a tab at the top which slots into a slit. I think it's simple and quite effective, again, I don't really know what's going to go inside it content wise so I didn't want to spend too much time on  developing it further. It will need double sided printing for this method as one side contains the address and stamp section, the other side is suitable for the content.

Tried the same again but with a sticker to just tack it down. It basically looks like a normal envelope here, but it folds out into a long piece of paper.

I also had an idea for a sort of packet package approach, it kind of opens outwards, with pieces opening 4 ways from the central size of 160x110mm. It would be quite cool to have some kind of freebie or gift inside the mail which would nicely be held inside. I tried to have flaps that all interlock into each other when closed. This probably doesn't make any sense so maybe the photos will help.

Just drawing out the flap idea and measuring it.

Here it is before I folded them all in.

I didn't think about that one properly! I based the flaps on splitting the measurements of an envelope but it didn't hit me that they need to OVERLAP to work and NOT just fit together side by side, The actuall interlocking flaps themselves, I think work quite well and look quite smart. I couldn't work out what would be the best way to measure and calculate how to do do these properly though, so the piece lies flat.

Here I tried it again but made the flaps interlock nicely how they should. It needs the two interlocking pieces from the shorter sides too, to enclose the envelope and for it to be able to hold stuff. Like this the interlocking flaps kind of have no purpose. It's just obscuring what's underneath. Which would probably be text/image etc. The stuff inside needs to be a surprise, I want the reader to unfold the envelope and be tempted to read what's inside. With this it kind of ruins that effect. Although I noticed how it kind of looks like a Z or a N?! If these two letters had any kind of significance to them, that would be a pretty damn neat touch to a letter! 

This led me to start to think about how I can be abit more inventive with the actual folding and packing itself and create something abit more quirky. Like this..

That, as you can see relates the picture on the two seperate parts to the package. It further reinforces the message and it's just simple and efective and makes it stand out from the crowd. I'm just struggling how I could do the same thing for a cleaner, I still don't really know what I'm trying to say and how I'm going to present myself. Research is needed.

Here I tried  to look at the relationship between dirt and..a bin?! Actually it would be worth looking into a way of getting the actual rubbish, in this case, a bit of paper in the bin once the envelope is closed, once opened obviously they spread apart again.

This example doesn't work that well because it's not that clear that rubbish is in the bin, something, i'm sure, cleaners sleep well over. A transparent flap maybe? So the top layer overlays over the bin to create an effect of the rubbish being in the bin?

This is the back, the photos not too clear but I like the idea of having a more handwritten type of letter, it's much more personal and in my opinion creates a better impression. I'm going to probably create a template so if they were to be sold on a mass scale, anyone can fill it in and send it. It'll have dotted lines for the address and a little square in the top right for the stamp.

Here, I don't even know how I managed it but I created my 160x110mm size area in the center of the paper and folded the rest of the paper round it, so it perfectly closes up to a 160x110mm size envelope and when opened it's abit bigger than A4 size, it's a different dimension to the longer style that I previously experimented with. I quite like this, but I think the folding method is quite confusing and could blister the paper.

Here are the pictogram/icons we drew up with the aim of communicating our occupation as simply as possible. I think some work better than others in my case, I think the top right one is the simplest, along with the middle right one. They're my personal favourites. Whether I use something like this remains to be seen. I'm counting on the progress crit to set off some spark in my brain tomorrow.


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