Again, I'll be categorising pieces in to order of readability, what I find is easy on the eye and easy to read. I'll be looking at websites this time and ranking them in order of readability, from each website I'll create a hierarchy of importance of information, a hierarchy of basically what catches my eye the most. What catches my eye first and how many instances of a different font there are on each website. I've purposely picked text heavy websites, rather than say a graphic designers portfolio as that is bound to look nice (hopefully!) and have little text, with more emphasis on visual stuff.

In terms of readability, here are the websites I've picked:

Bad - The Sun

OK - Wikipedia

Good - Twitter

Number of different fonts used:

The Sun: 20

Wikipedia: 20

Twitter: 15


The Sun:



Twitter and Wiki are quite similar in that the actual typeface's when they are different, they're not too drastically different but just different pt. sizes and weights. Different to The Sun which has loads of different fonts, colours and sizes and it's probably the reason why I found it all abit too much on the eyes. Space also seems to play an important part. You can see on Twitter especially, everything has room to breath and make sense to your eyes, The Sun has some crazy grid of text going on with very little empty space.


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