100 THINGS...

In-depth analysis of Bollywood and their cliches and stereotypes, and important facts. To reflect Indian culture and Bollywood culture and somehow show the relationship between the two and use some sort of quantitative data to reflect Indian society through Bollywood. I want to kind of share the extravagance and excitement of Bollywood in some kind of light-hearted way and interest people in Bollywood and India in a light-hearted and engaging way.

My survey also kind of illustrates that more people are actually aware of Bollywood than I thought but around 50% of people who had not watched a Bollywood film before said they would be interested to watch a Bollywood film, and about 30% actually said they would consider it. So I need to turn this consideration into a YES! When asked about what comes to mind about India, alot of people said movies, music and dance and colour - something that Bollywood typifies too. When asked about Bollywood, most people said over the top acting, ridiculousness etc so there definitely is that side of it and it's not me just being super critical.

I don't know definitely which road I want to go down but I've thought of a few ideas that I find quite interesting and am excited to develop. The ideas in bold are my favourites.


  • Series of info-graph posters with a variety of facts
  • Info-graph poster representing my survey findings, one for each question maybe?
  • 10 history of Bollywood booklets, each booklet focusing on a different aspect and important chapter of Bollywood's history
  • India travel guide, 10 different guides on 10 different topics but visually consistent
  • 10 fold up poster/booklets on Bollywood by the numbers actor profiles, outlining 'number of games of chase around trees' etc, flipside would be a poster in vintage Bollywood style for the actor in question.
  • Similar concept as above but on the 10 most iconic bollywood movies ever, noting important facts inside and the outer side being a poster I personally made for the movie. Maybe giving short written on inner pages along with infograph style numerical facts, clear and concisely.
  • Top Trump style playing cards, capitalising on the bollywood by the numbers idea. This is my favourite now as it takes my previous favourite idea of the actor profiles and makes it more engaging. You could have games with each other, comparing how many times someone got married on film etc. It has a fun factor.
  • A recommendation style diagram, asking you YES/No films. e.g 'Do you like romantic films' Yes/No. Hoping to reflect India and Bollywood by the kind of results you get. There would be ALOT of films being recommended in the romantic section.

  1. India travel guide, 10 different guides on 10 different topics but visually consistent
  2. 10 fold up poster/booklets on Bollywood by the numbers actor profiles, outlining 'number of games of chase around trees' etc, flipside would be a poster in vintage Bollywood style for the actor in question.
  3. Similar concept as above but on the 10 most iconic bollywood movies ever, noting important facts inside and the outer side being a poster I personally made for the movie. Maybe giving short written on inner pages along with infograph style numerical facts, clear and concisely.
  4. Top Trump style playing cards, capitalising on the bollywood by the numbers idea. This is my favourite now as it takes my previous favourite idea of the actor profiles and makes it more engaging. You could have games with each other, comparing how many times someone got married on film etc. It has a fun factor.
  5. A recommendation style diagram, asking you YES/No films. e.g 'Do you like romantic films' Yes/No. Hoping to reflect India and Bollywood by the kind of results you get. There would be ALOT of films being recommended in the romantic section.

I now need to make a mood design and art direction board for each favourite idea for Friday.


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