The idea that I also think would be really fun to do is a sort of playing cards idea, it's basically essentially going to be displaying the same content I've been thinking about all along, a bollywood by the numbers idea. So the categories are different aspects of bollywood which I'll tally up such as "number of weddings". "number of elopements", etc. The function this time is to be more interactive, the users will literally play with these, and could even swap and trade them for other cards if they wanted to.

Some of the 'powers' for example would be:

Total number of...
  • Marriages
  • Times fallen in love
  • Games of chase around trees
  • Kisses
  • Near-kisses (to contrast with kisses and get point across)
  • Disapproving in-laws
  • Forbidden loves
  • Elopements
  • Duration of movie
  • Murders (they always seem to just kill people with no consequences!)
  • Outfit changes in songs
  • Continent shifts during song
  • Filmfare awards
  • Movies starred in
  • Declarations of love

First things first is to start getting an idea of similar concepts to give me some visual cues hopefully, such as Pokemon cards, Top Trumps cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards,  how much they retail for., how they're packaged etc. I think doing this would make the target audience possibly kids too as Top Trumps cards are aimed at kids, but I think aesthetically I'm going to go down a more contemporary slick look rather than a 'chunky' kids kind of look.

I'll also get hold of a pack or two so I can look even closer at the type of stock used, size, packaging, dimensions etc and see how I want to interpret my own deck of cards and basically how it would look.

I think this week I'll lay the foundations for collecting my variables and the foundations for thinking how it would possibly look visually. I'm planning on collecting my data and talking through with my two top ideas with my peers and tutor to give me a bit of direction so I can crack on. Having the data ready will allow me to solely think visually and have a more hands-on approach, and have enough research and data to just apply.

As you can see. the data that makes up the card is quantitative data such as number of international goals. If he was up against, say, Michael Owen. Michael Owen would win as he's scored more international goals. Similarly, I'm going to have a similar concept with my idea. If an actor has more films, than another he's the winner and I think the player with the winning card receives the losing card to add to his pack?! I'll need to research the rules too.

I quite like this idea of having a short biography of the character in question. With the card idea I probably wont have alot of room to have alot of text, as I maybe would with the poster/1-fold booklet idea. The biography, would give abit of insight to the character and give me a chance to flesh out the content abit, it would be abit thin if it was just numbers and 'powers'. 

They all look pretty cheesy and abit ugly design-wise so far to be honest!

Backs of the cards would all need to be the same, if for example they have the characters name, it'll just give away which cards the player has, which is obviously not what we need. So visually, this is one area where they can be standardised.

Some nice brandign for a Liverpool Pub 

I don't really like the boxes for Top Trumps cards, it's quite sturdy and not disposable but it just looks clunky and abit uncomfortable to open. It would also be quite difficuly for me to replicate in the time frame. I like the idea of a cigarette type box for the deck of cards. It'd be cool to make my own, I'll check out some paper folding and stocks on card deck boxes too.

This is the kind of look I want to go for, a more kind of 'adult' look, to contrast with the lighthearted nature. I think a closed box looks alot more inviting and classic. As soon as you see this, you pretty much know that it's a box of cards. I think it's a better option than the top trumps style packing above ^^^

This is the pack I'm going to order and apparently it contains 32 cards, number to take into note. I think making 30 cards would be possible, once the layout is sorted out, it should just be a matter of changing content and the other time consuming thing would be the different images for each character. I don't want to just use an image off google as that would breach copyright and would look tacky. Cool illustrations for each one would be good I reckon. Similar to how I had the poster on the outer side idea for the other idea.

I'm trying not to look into the aesthetics of trump cards too much as I don't want to be influenced by them too much. I think I'll get hold of a nice pack of cards and a top trumps pack and compare the two and see if I can somehow maybe meet in the middle with my set.

A movie poster card deck here too..

Think this will do for an initial insight into cards and the kind of stuff that's out there.

Some of these are pretty cool. Maybe I can possibly make each card look like a poster, or atleast reminiscent of a poster somehow? Maybe the back could be a poster or atleast look like a poster, displaying the title of the collection which I'm yet to decide. I think it'd look pretty good. Colours will be very important, especially to portray Bollywood and India. Maybe have a folded look to them, like how you get on posters, like so...


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