Definitely going to make the little packets for my products, 5 groups of cards with 5 packages. 10 products although if I get time and ideas I might try and make 5 more products just so I get a solid 10, as you could arge a package with cards inside only counts as 1 product, it's abit of a grey area in my opinion but here's some try outs.

Packet attempt 1

Doesn't open that nice I think flaps would work better if they

Might need abit more slack so that it folds over the pack of cards nicer, I'll add this to attempt 2.
Attempt 2
Flaps around the back,

Opens up much nicer with flaps round the back

Photo of the back

How it would look. 5 different packets for different packs, printed and looking smart obviously! Might not use yellow stock but this was just lying around as scrap.
Full deck attempt

Cards sink quite deep, maybe I need to improve this area

The lid flap needs to be bigger as it keeps flipping out at the moment

Bit too slack in terms of width, as you can see the gap at the top between the cards and the package.
The knock ups! I think the packet attempt 2 works the best for it's purpose at the moment.
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