So on Monday I missed the studio brieifing for our new brief we're working on on Design Practice 1(406). A group project over 2 weeks with a studio crit this Friday (2/3/12).

I feel a bit out of touch with it as I wasn't there for the briefing and today was the first day I really looked over the brief and got some initial ideas. As my group was there for the briefing (Seb, Ste, Nigel and Imogen) They picked to carry out the convincing people to tell the truth more option. It's a tough one!

I'm still at an ideas stage yet, hoping to keep brainstorming and looking around until an idea clicks. We're trying to slow down the making process and be less sort of amateur-ish. It's easy to just become set on making a guide advising people on how to tell the truth. Making a "how to" always makes sense as you're answering the brief in an obvious way, we've done this in the past but I don't think we considered it's purpose, the audience, it's use etc very well. So we want to really nail all these aspects before we decide on the content and design.

It's a 2 week brief, so I think this week will consist of less making and the second week will probably be quite busy!

Here are some mind-maps/brain-storms/spider diagrams/thought showers or whatever they're called nowadays.

Some notable points I wrote down were:

  • How to find lies? 
  • How to become better at lying
  • It's only a lie if someone finds out it's a lie
  • It's truth until it's a lie
  • White lies
  • How to tell the truth while lying
  • Who lies? Aim it in a satrical way at them? Politicians, Jim Carrey in liar liar
  • Research - Little White Lies, Lie To Me, Liar Liar
  • Manifestoes, kind of like an inspiration book? How honesty and treating people how you want to be treated can get you further in life
  • TRUTH - being truthful to yourself, truthful to others, truthful to your ambitions, truthful to your heart. A more positive attitutde to life, look into books such as the ones by Paul Arden
  • Liar, Liar bums on fire!
  • Conspiracy theories, "The TRUTHS' A bit kind of 'paranoid' but would be really interesting. Everyone loves a conspiracy theory! Would make really cool zines too, kind of pulp nature of conspiracies would lend well to it
  • Body language, how to tell the truth when lying. Telling convincing lies, and also how to spot lies too.
  • Truth serum
  • Lie detector tests
  • Beat em up!
  • Blackmail
  • Light hearted nature?
  • Aimed at people who should tell the truth more, the benefits. Trust, honesty, respect. Simple publication visual, type and image.


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