It just about worked in Illustrator

It live traced without any issues, but there's still a white background. I've worked around it though by setting the transparency mode to multiplay and actually using multiply to have the shadow above the umbrella's and still work in the same way. I then put a colour shape over the umbrella and shadow layers and also set the transparency mode to multiply and it has the same effect as my photoshop efforts. We're good to go!

I'm thinking about adding some kind of silhouettes of people in the background, probably 2 as there's two umbrellas so it would make sense. Maybe dancing, or holding hands or something, I'll then add the rain and possibly text over the top.

^^ places the image in

^ live traced!

Good good good ^^ vectors.

Looks abit muddled up from a zoomed out position but all is well once it's at 100+ %

It's come out alright, we're good to go.


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