Task 5 on the OUGD402 PPP module is 'How Are You'. I got assigned a partner, Seb, and need to create a double page spread about himself personally and a designer. The basis of the content will be his blogs  and the interview carried out.

Minimum of 300 words is needed

2 images, which are from his blogs

Deadline for this is the Monday after easter, so a pretty long brief. It's easy to put things to the side and forget about them though, so I need to improve my time management and mix things up a bit so all briefs move along slowly.

It can be quite open, it could simply be a fact-file, an interview or even a statement from Seb himself, showcasing his work and interests. It'll be worth researching into visual examples of DPS's on people, such as fact-files about celebrities etc which are quite common. It'll also be good practice in InDesign, something I'm new to.

Here's the interview:

Interview: Seb Needler

Where are you from? Tell us about it?
Hull. Very grey. Drug capital of England apparently.

What is your earliest memory?
Waking up this morning. I have no idea.

Cat. Dog or other? Tell us why
Dog. Loyal.

Where would you like to life? Why? What would you do if you lived there?
Los Angeles. For the women! I'd probably just kick back, relax and skate.

What would your super power be? What would you use it for?
Time travel. So I'm never late again.

If you could bring something extinct back to life. What would you choose?
Sabre-tooth tiger. So I can ride it bareback.

What is your most unappealing habit?
Foul mouth.

What is your favourite word and why?
Gammon. Tastiest meat on earth.

What is your favourite book? What do you like about it?

Which four people would you invite to your dream dinner party? Why?
Notorious B.I.G, Megan Fox, Gordon Ramsay and Will Ferrell

If you could edit your past, what would you change? Why?

If you could go back in time, where would you go? What would you do while you were there?
Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock. I'd just enjoy it. Soak it in.

What do you consider your greatest achievement.
Doing what I enjoy everyday.

Tell us a joke.
David Cameron.

Tell us a secret?
Don't keep any!


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