I recorded the interview. Typed it up word for word so this is the interview literally word for word. I wanted Seb's personality to come across and it does just that. I think taking into account it's not a commerical DPS and it's something where we can experiment and have fun and the overall aim is to make a DPS about someone so I like the idea of their personality coming through, especially in their own words.

1. Where are you from? Tell us what it's like?
I'm from Hull. Not a lot I can tell you really. It's pretty fuckin' grey, but yeah it's a good place mate. Good skate parks and a lot of people that know how to have a good time I reckon.

2. Did you have any nicknames growing up?

Cocker! Nah I'm joking. Erm, nah, just 'Seb' mate. Nice and short. Abbreviation ain't it.

3. What's your earliest memory?
Pffff... fuck knows mate, can't remember.

4. If you could do one thing, it can be anything, all day without any other worries and stress, what would you do?
Skateboard for sure. I'd just kick back, relax and skate. Nothing beats it.

5. What is your favourite word and why?

Gammon, easily. It's the tastiest meat on earth pal.

If you could bring something extinct back to life. What would you choose?
Sabre-tooth tiger definitely. So I can ride it bareback mate. 

6. Do you think you have any bad habits?

Ermm... smoking, but it's so tasty though. Foul mouth, yeah definitely foul mouth. Fuckin' foul mouth!

7. If you could invite any four people to your dream dinner party, who would you invite?
 Ahh. Honestly don't have a clue mate! Ermm... we'd have Notorious (B.I.G.), Tupac, Gordon Ramsay (long pause) Kenny Dalglish.

8. Why Kenny Dalglish?!
Well he's got a cool name hasn't he?!

8. How long have you been skating?
Since I can remember mate. Too long

9. Too long?
Too long.
9. Worst skate injury?

None up to date. Touch wood.

What do you consider your greatest achievement.
Doing what I enjoy everyday is probably definitely my greatest achievement. Not many people can say that can they? Fuckin' about with their depressing jobs while I'm sat here designin' and offering something to the world.

10.When did you realise you want to be a graphic designer?

Ermmm... it's a hard one that ain't it?! 

11. It must have hit you at some point?
I reckon it'll have to be the skateboard graphics man. Seeing all the stuff on boards probably led to my interest in graphic design.

11. Modernism or Post-modernism? 

12. Why Modernism?

Why? It communicates the message. It's just to the point ain't it? Form follows function. Post-modernism is fuckin' shiiiit.
12. Ha! What's your favourite typeface? 

I don't have one mate. 

You don't have a favourite typeface?
Because it depends what you're designing. It depends what you're designing and who you're designing for doesn't it?

13. Favourite colours?

Erm, I'd say blue for sure. 

14. Favourite movie?
Chopper! Every bloody day of the week. Chopper all the way mate.

14. What made you pick Leeds College of Art?
Great reputation. Intense course ain't it? Get's the best out of your ability. 

15. Are you a mad cunt?
Fuckin' damn right I'm a mad cunt! I was born a mad cunt.  

16. Anything to say before you go?

Leave it at that one. Sorted mate.

Word count: 479

I think this should be sufficient to cover 2 pages of spread as i plan to. Obviously, there'll be a title and headers and footers, page numbers and author titles and other little bits of text but this is the main copy. I think I should do a few sheets of rough layouts. I think I always find it easier to get ideas down when I draw


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