Flyer - Fold up octagon x Flyer

For my flyer, I decided to make it able to fold up in the Octagon, the UFC's trademarked name for the octagon shaped cage!

I thought it would be a cool interpretation of a flyer and the octagon base gives a good space to contain information on.

The idea is one side the flyer will have the information on, with the cage sides having a net pattern on, including the flaps which can be fold up and stuck together to make an Octagon cage. Giving a little bit of fun and longevity to the package. It's 1993, the UFC's first event and people would want to know more about the concept. Including where the fighters fight, so this could be something cool to keep on a desk or something as a bit of free merchandise. Hopefully it'll turn out ok!

This is a photo of the Octagon. Also gives a good idea of the dimensions. 

It's also worth noting, the design of the cage has changed. At the first UFC event it looked a little different. with slightly different padding and stuff So this is the aesthetic style I need to go for...

Here's the basic net I've drawn up. the flaps on the side will now have a cage pattern overlayed on top, including the flaps so when they're stuck and constructed they'll still blend in with the cage. It'll be up to the maker if he wants the flaps on the outside or inside, they'll hopefully blend in reasonably well.

One side of the octagon base will have the textual info, of the mail-out, what's attached in the package and thanking the customer for ordering the first ever UFC event.

The other side will have more cage patterns and a UFC logo for the cage. As there is in real life, along with loads of sponsors.

Cage pattern on

Base of the Octagon is 100 x 100 (mm)

Cage sides are 23mm in height

Info side on the left and the other side of the octagon flyer on the right. When it's folded the right side will act as the base of the octagon with the logo and "the beginning". As that's how you would see an Octagon floor looking a little bit like in real life.


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