UFC 1 ticket x Graphic product

This is my graphic product, the ticket for the UFC event in 1993, imagining this is 1993 and you've ordered a ticket to the first UFC event ever and received a sort of welcome pack including a fold-up Octagon cage flyer and an event poster.

Dimensions: 130 x 60mm

Here's the finished version (Above) I added semi circle cut-offs on the horizontal ends of the ticket to make it a little more like a movie ticket, to add to the spectacle vibe I want to put across. Pretty subtle, doubt it's the first thing anyone will pick up on but there you go.

The seat numbers are obviously made up but the event details, time and venue are correct. As is the date, Saturday November 12, 1993.

Obviously in the 1993, enquiries were more often probably done through the phone rather than the internet so I've put up the UFC's phone number instead of the website.

Nowadays the tickets are around $500 but I took into account it being the first UFC event so lowered the price a little bit. I couldn't find anything on the ticket prices originally unfortunately.


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