Ted Baker x Tokyo - Receipts

My concept is to have receipts within the customers bag. The overall receipt for the order will also have the unique code. To access the locked off parts of the website which are campaign BRITISH, specific. Also in the customers bag will be the lookbook, which ill be working on later this week.

To get a better idea if existing British style receipts I examined a few and outlined important features and the hierarchy of a receipt

Barcode at the bottom, with barcode number undearneath.

Date, and website and contact details

Name of store and branch address at the top, with a thank you

Customer number with order full purchase details underneath

I like the stars, very symbolic of receipts. I reckon I'll use these to highlight the code somehow

All receipts are pretty much the same width too - 82mm.


Applying the features to my own receipt and also trying to remain visually consistent in terms of layout with my lookbook/billboards etc.

Bar code at the bottom, the line width is the only important element, all of the bar code doesn't need to be seen so I've made it bleed over the bottom edge, making it less obtrusive to the design

## Finished receipts

82mm x Variable length

A long receipt is just the same, the top and bottom elements stay the same

It remains visually consistent with the lookbook as far as I can tell at the moment, on to the next one!


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