Ted Baker x Tokyo - Book plan and early development

Mock up of how it should look, perfect bound with a matte outer cover

180 x 245mm sizing

## Book plan - two books meeting in the middle

英国の BRITISH! (left to right side)

  • Contents DPS - images and page numbers leading to sections
  • About Ted (Ted Baker history, past present future)
  • British! - Aim and focus of the campaign DPS minimum
  • British icons (DPS for each) James bond, typewriters, inventions, celebrities, Stephen Fry
  • Try Britian (how to's, tongue in cheek stuff, recipes, mannerisms etc) (fish and chips, gravy, cockney rhyming slang, recipes,)
Splash DPS between each section

AUTUMN x W12TER 秋冬 (right to left side)

Contents page, content reversed for right to left.  - 
Ted Baker x Tokyo (info on store, excitement, location, photos of store) - 
Autumn/Winter 12 x Survival of the fittest (information on collection) - 
Mens lookbook (outfit breakdown on each photo)  - 
Womens lookbook (outfit breakdown on each photo) - 


##Finished cover and content page

Front cover

Contents page

About Ted double page spread (still needs page numbering and other added little bits but general idea is there)

The idea for the left to right section is English has prominence and Japanese symbols act as sub-headings/secondary text. They're direct translations

In the right to left book, I plan to have the hierarchy opposite - Japanese with prominence over English.

##Development Issuu

It's hard to get a good idea of how it will feel when flicking through on Indesign so I made a quick Issuu of my progress to check it out and see where to go from here:


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