Ted Baker Tokyo - Lookbook nearly done!

Pretty happy with how it's turned out so far, it's 96 pages, 49 spreads.

Almost done! Just the mens and womens collections to add, designed to be read in two directions, left to right, and right to left with a meet in the middle. BRITISH! campaign side on the left to right, and right to left is the standard lookbook and collection side.

The hierarchy of information and general layout also switches depending which orientation and cover of the book you're reading from. For example the left>right side focuses on the campaign - BRITISH! the hierarchy is english first and then japanese. The opposite cover has the opposite sequence of english and japanese and is intended to be read from right to left, with the page numbering reflecting this. I thought it would be a nice reference to manga comics which are hugely popular in Japan, all read from right to left. Also the topics covered on the right>left stuff is Japanese in context such as the store and collection so it was obviously more suited to be set out in a Japanese format, instead of the British side of the book.

After this is done I can begin to collate all the stuff I've made and think about presentation and communication of concept, I also need to make the nets for the shopping bags and make the stickers and receipts print ready and consider stock. The lookbook is the big part of the campaign though and definitely the most work so I'll be glad when it's out of the way.

Example of page:

The idea being there's nothing on there which isn't also available in English/Japanese on the same page, so if you're only fluent in one of the languages you're still just fine


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