Ted Baker x Tokyo - Shopping Bag

The shopping bag will house the clothing and will house the lookbook,

The dimensions of the lookbook are 180 x 254mm. So if the lookbook is slotted in sideways the bag needs to be atleast 254mm. It also needs to house a folded up piece of clothing so I feel at the minimum, the width needs to be 300mm. Customers shopping at Ted Baker, especially a British store in Japan with only one store in the whole of the country - the customers will likely have a good snoop around and buy more than some socks. So the bag needs to be pretty sizeable,

Some existing examples of shopping bags for similar shopping experiences. Helped to get an idea of size:

I've decided to do two bag variations:

A small bag for smaller items and a larger bag for bigger stuff. The smaller bag still needs to be able to house the lookbook, portrait or landscape

## Bag measurements

Small bag:
270 mm x 320mm x 150mm

Big bag:
350mm x 450mm x 150mm

Bags in relation to lookbook


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