Verbal Acrobatics: Screenshots of Website

I've changed the navigation container a little bit, I feel it's much better. Each container or 'page' is designed to fill or atleast be a substantial sized object on most screens so each container, including navigation is 1024x768.

The navigation is now a 3x3 grid of floating navigational buttons which are just noticable, and light up and animate on a rollover. Once clicked the concept is for it to be an anchor object link which smooth scrolls to the relevant container, I'm still working on this yet, I will definitely propose it and mock it up though.

I've done this much quicker than I wanted to as time isn't my friend at the moment, I find it difficult to translate print to web and this project being more about a hip-hop 'messy' style and not my usual style, it 's been difficult to make a website I feel comfortable with but I'm reasonably happy with this so far!
The blacked out navigation

Hovering over the links makes them light up and animate, bounce around a bit.

Early development of the website 'skeleton', you can see the difference in container when comparing the navigation container to the content containers stacked below.

I used background-image css coding to give each container an image I wanted to blend into the body of the website, with the same dark grey/black background.

Here you can see a container with a background image, with still work needed on the boxes above.

Here is how it looks when done

A mock-up of something you might see when smooth scrolling, this almost looks like a snapshot of a smooth-scroll.

I embedded soundcloud and changed the coding so it's only 50px in height so the viewer can listen to the song while enjoying and singing along to the poster to which is incredibly important to a website like this.

Animated gif's as background images too which is pretty interesting

Some screenshots of how it looks on my web browser and on a macbook screen.


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