I Am Bruce Lee - Documentary

I've just watched a documentary on Bruce Lee in conjuction with Bruce Lee's family and estate, featuring a host of celebrities, fighters and leading figures in MMA such as Dana White - the president of the UFC organisation.

This documentary is particularly interesting as it discusses in length Bruce Lee as an actor, martial artist and his legacy - including being the "father of mixed martial arts" which I've only heard about but never read deeply about but this documentary really sells this notion.

As Bushido is often attached to the Samurai way of life, "The Way of The Warrior" which is what Bushido translates to is an open term and I want to express it through a variety of disciplines and sources, for inspiration and philosophy and Bruce Lee is one of my sources - he was a hugely accomplished Martial Artist and not just an actor.

Bruce Lee founded Jeet Kune Do, an art form about using your body as a weapon, "having no style" instead of a style and just focusing on one style. This directly relates to the birth of MMA, Bruce Lee believed in simply fighting, not as a sport but as fighting without any rules - one of his complaints against point-based karate tournaments. Obviously nowadays MMA is a sport and does have rules but the subjects and themes the documentary covers is very interesting. I'll do a post very soon compiling quotes of Bruce Lee's background as a martial artist and his philosophies on life through quotes.

Notable quotes and points from movie:

"In some ways it's the total opposite of anger. It's beauty, it's passion, it's art. It's painting a picture without tools." - Jon Jones

Bruce lee was actually the 1957 Hong Kong cha-cha dancing champion and this only helped his fighting style, footwork and stance.

Kobe Bryant trains in martial arts.

Taboo, of the Black Eyed Peas forms on stage in a side, almost fighting stance. Because of his idol Bruce Lee

All fighting disciplines almost taught each other. Bruce Lee learnt a lot from boxing towards his own art, incorportated Ali's footwork, Jack Dempsey's jab technique.

Trained in Wing Chun, under the master Yip Chun.

Set up a school in Hollywood for stars to learn.

"most of them are coming to me to ask me to teach them, not so much how to defend themselves. They want to learn to express themselves. Through some movement, be it anger, be it determination. The art of expressing the human body." - Bruce Lee

"Because of styles people are separated. They are not united together. Because styles became law. " - Bruce Lee

"This guy was preaching back in the 60s you shouldn't stay to one style. No one style is the best. Have a piece of everything." - Dana White

Gene LeBell taught Bruce Lee grappling moves.

What could be the first MMA fight of all time took place in 1963 when Gene LeBell took on a boxer and ended up choking him out - leaving him unconscious for 20 minutes

 The Gracie Jiu-Jitsu clan. Taking it and refining it to a whole new level.

Royce Gracie tore apart the first UFC.

Vale Tudo fights in Brazil. No Rules,

"This might sound different. But I actually feel as if I'm helping people as I'm punching them in the face. I'm beating weakness out of them, making them a better person. In my opinion it's the highest art of expression and that's what honestly expressing yourself is. " - Jon Jones

"I don't look at it as if I'm hurting my opponent, my enemy. It's like we're brothers painting this picture together." - Jon Jones

My Definite Chief Aim. A famous paper he wrote - definitely need to check it out! So focused and driven.

Put the words "walk on." on cards all around his house when he badly hurt his back in excruciating pain.

"You just wait. I'm going to be the biggest chinese star in the world." - Bruce Lee

1963. Dan Inosanto introduces the nunchuks to Bruce Lee.

 Fighting in Kenpo gloves at the start of Enter The Dragon - inspiration for MMA

Used arm bars and guillotine chokes within his fighting.

"Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless. Like water. Now, you put water into a cup. You put it into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee

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